A place to be real about a life of chaos, with eight beautiful children, homeschooling, special needs, adoption, sanity or the lack thereof.........a rubber hits the road sort of journey that I thankfully do NOT walk alone!

Friday, October 31, 2008

"SQUIRTMAN" is 7!!!!!!

Sorry to all those who check to see if I've updated......you already know I've been negligent !!!!

Life has just been.....happening. I am totally convinced that the frenzied pace of life around here is just what is expected but some weeks.....the time just seems to get away from me.

So..check out my little Squirtman.

Most people say he has grown so much since he came to us. He was fourteen months old when he entered the "tribe", arriving on the day my Grandfather passed on. It only seemed appropriate that he inherit his name. (Grandpa however, was not known to many as Squirtman..lol)

I don't think he's changed that much.....do you?

He was such a happy baby.....always smiling....chubby cheeks....loved to cuddle.

The older children were commenting yesterday that they remembered how he used to hum as he drank his bottle. He only wanted me to hold him and he "sang" the whole time he ate. Now we have to ask him to stop singing at the table! His sweet humming has turned into loud demonstrative singing that at the appropriate time is entirely entertaining......well ok.... it's always entertaining but we are trying to keep some sense of appropriate manners in check!

This is my attempt at a Hot Wheels Car Cake.....it was not correctly done unless completely covered in flames according to the birthday boy.

I think he liked it!! He had a great day. His birthday happens to fall on October 31st so there is a second focus to this day of celebrating as the children prepare their costumes for Halloween.

This "overrated" adventure is losing popularity with the gang and although they love the opportunity to dress up and visit Grandparents and relatives the rest of the running around isn't all it's cracked up to be. They've decided next year we'll put some thought to alternate plans and maybe brighten the day of some elderly folk or do some kind of fundraiser (while dressing up of course!!!)

I still say the day is supposed to be all about HIM!

So....here's the tribe all dressed up....well except Stable Chick.....she spent the night running through farmers fields with her youth group playing mission impossible. Apparently the best fun she's had in a long time!

Well....on with the day....I've got three or four entries in the draft stage....I'll try and be a little more proactive in getting them done. In all my spare time you know....I have so much of it....it's just that I like to sleep between 2 and 5 am!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Nature AND Nurture!

The end of last week was quite beautiful. School was going relatively well and the kids were pining for more outdoor time.

Did I mention how much I love the autumn season. There is something magnificent about all of nature preparing to "rest" and the anticipation it stimulates as we await the "rebirth" in the springtime. There are just far too many intricate details in that whole process for coincidence to be the cause.

We spent several days walking the path down by the river. The foliage had dropped for the most part and all that remained was the bare trees and the stubborn "hanger on ers" that refuse to lose their colour, hanging on as if it somehow defined them. The kids may or may not have even noticed the plant life. As usual they were far more fascinated by things such as this......
Now for some little girls, the sight of this would send them screaming through the brush yelling "Do NOT come anywhere near me with that thing!". However ..... not in my house!

I shouldn't be too surprised.....these same estrogen producing creatures spend their spare time collecting backyard spiders and tormenting their father with any of our feline "rodent catches". They take great pleasure in waving the poor "played with" mouse in his face eliciting a response that varies from....."Get that disgusting thing away from me...I'm warning you!!" to "ACCCKKKKKK" as he has been know to run with his "skirt" hiked up. These are the stories they happily share with anyone who will join them in humiliating the "Chief".
Here, they debate who will get to let this one go....while Princess flies below the radar claiming, "It's OK...I don't need to hold it....someone else can have a turn". It's amazing the gentle, sharing spirit that erupts when mortal fear sets in!!

Everyone finds just the right walking stick and the adventure continues the next day.....

We pick things...Display things......

Examine things......

Peak through things.....

Climb the same tree we do every year and pose accordingly..

And sit a spell by the river......

I love what these days outdoors do to my kids. Forget the whole nature vs. nurture theory....I believe it's the nature that does the nurturing!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Some people consider them... "STRANGE"?!

I'd just like to take this moment to say I do NOT apologize for some of the "quirky" behaviours my children present with.

It is, after all, the very thing that makes me smile and appreciate the day. My kids are awesome and they make me laugh!

This is how Karate Kid insisted on spending his birthday money. He sat on it for three months waffling back and forth between his favourite movie, a dragon, some lego......but it was seeing his cousin this summer with "THIS" that pushed him over the edge. OH MOM..... I have to have one!!!! Every other prized possession has this same green colour peppered with that remarkable musty "I'm in the army now" smell!! Finally....he found just the right one at our local surplus store and it even came with an air cannister!! WHO HOO!!

This made him VERY happy!

Cat Lover did not lose a bet.....this is how she did school all day!! The helmet is part of a knight costume I made out of a Double Bubble gum tub wrapped in .... yup.... the fixer of all household issues.... duct tape! The crown and the shades she felt just "made" the whole thing...you know.....pulled the outfit together!

This makes his mouth look WAY bigger than it really is........or ...does it??? That would account for the noise that comes out of it! LOL

He's so darn cute!

Monday, October 20, 2008

What is MY Lifesong???

When life has been what it has been this past week it causes me to pause amidst the chaos and ponder......what is my "lifesong"? I mean....I know what my day to day responsibilities are. The "stuff" that is expected of me. I also know the expectations that I place on myself that no one else may even know....but the stuff I feel is totally important in defining who I am and what the "job" is that I place such importance on. ......what is my "Lifesong" as one of my favourite bands sing? What legacy am I really leaving....what impact am I having... is it enough....is it what God expects of me or is it by my definition significant? Where's the PEACE????

I can just hear some of my friends chastising me saying, "are you crazy", "get serious", " of course you are on track".... It's the peace that goes with the know, that I know, that I know.....

that I strive for.

This week has proven to be a "challenge". By challenge I don't mean the kind that once you give that little extra effort you manage to conquer and on you go. No....I mean the kind that has you in tears ... regularly.....questioning where it is that I signed up for ALL the obstacles that interfere with harmony and smooth scheduling and let's face it "mere coping" in my home.

It's these moments of "meltdown"....and for those of you who get me....know I try to do these things privately without my kids knowing 'Mommy's LOST IT', that cause me to visit these questions of my purpose. Will my children learn all they need to learn? Have I taught them to go to God first and "lean not on their own understanding"?.....more importantly am I modelling that clearly for them? YIKES .....I sense conviction!! Have I instilled the important character "glue" I call it that will hold them together when they feel their own resolve weakening? Let's face it ...... am I doing my darn job!

Why is it moments like these always occur in a week when so much is going on around me?? .... And then I hear in a clear audible voice..... you know ..... the one we are supposed to hear if we just become still.....really still and listen??? Peace is not something that occurs when we are in a very calm and quiet, undisturbed place.....no.....peace is being in the midst of chaos, turmoil, lack of control (by the way I'm not real good at that one), and still being peaceful in our heart.

Suddenly things are crystal clear....."the words I say And the things I do Make my lifesong sing"

How I live my life, day to day...... the teaching, the learning, the mothering, the disciplining, the partnering, the striving, the suffering, the joy, the milestones, the celebrating, the simple accomplishments that I witness are all in answer to my lifesong! It's mine....it's not perfect but it's what I have to offer and darn it......I'm gonna do it to the best of my ability and find peace in knowing that amidst chaos..... I am still "peaceful".......where it counts.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Apple Orchard Tradition

The kids couldn't take it any longer...it was already October and we hadn't made our traditional apple orchard visit! This weekend has been more than a time to be thankful it has been beautiful weather and an awesome run of several days doing all of my favourite things!

Horse Chick had a lesson Saturday but then the rest of our extra-curricular activities...dance and karate were cancelled due to the Thanksgiving weekend. She wouldn't miss riding for anything. It's the one thing that through the addition of six children over the last seven years we promised her would be able to continue. We have had to decrease her rides down to once a week ......... she would prefer to pitch a tent and stay there permanently I am convinced however for now she continues to plan for her future where she will have her own "several" horses and she can ride whenever she darn well pleases. This goes hand in hand with owning her own farm and raising all kinds of animals while being a veterinarian of course. It is so cool when your children find a passion that you watch them pour their heart and soul into!!!

Off to the orchard after riding.......the kids love this tradition. We try to go several times a year but this year almost got away from us. Mom and Dad were coming for Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday night so we wanted to get some apples and do some baking!! The kids know the routine and so.........

the picking

and the eating!!!!!

Apparently Karate Kid got a sour one!! LOL

Is it my imagination ..... or are all children much happier and get along so much better when they are outside enjoying a beautiful day ??

30 pounds of apples later.......we had our sample apple cider......our token pictures on the hay wagon and with scarecrow.......

We were on our way...Awesome day......!!! Thankful for my awesome kids and the freedom we have!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Cute isn't he?!

Anyone who owns a cat or three in our case (and many more over
the years!) knows that awful feeling that sets in when the first puddle of urine
is found in some inappropriate place. That would be ANY place that is not in the
basement neatly located in the appropriate litter box!!!!

Now, there can be any number of reasons for the "accident" but all too often the "behaviour modification" conversation is initiated and the fear that there really is nothing wrong with them except they have an "issue" sets in.

It all started when we bought the new dog beds. What luxury! They were about four inches thick stuffed with fibrefill and cedar chips. They smelled so good....helped to combat that ever bothersome "doggy smell". It wasn't too long and we found that one of them had been used as a litter box! How disappointing.....
I quickly mopped, disinfected, bleached and washed
everything hoping it was just a one time thing. That lasted about 2 days when it happened again ..... and again.......

Now we had no idea who the offender was, but we now had to dismantle both beds. In an effort to give them a really good cleaning I left them outside in the rain for about 4 days. We had no trouble for three weeks and then yesterday......................

"MOM..........EEEWWWWW.....it stinks like pee.....someone peed on the dog bed again. Good grief.........outside it went. One hour later I received a call on my cell to announce the other bed was now sporting a nice "Puddle".

My day was already at high speed....I was off to gymnastics and then home for a quick lunch and off to soccer. I had honestly decided the dog beds would have to go away until we "adjusted" the offenders bad attitude!!!

The long story can be shortened by saying yet another call to advise Higgins (the cute one!!!) was crying and circling and pawing on the dining room floor. Three minutes later.....another call to advise the cat had pooped and Princesses new musical ballerina globe was smashed.....two very unrelated yet equally distressing pieces of news. Homeward bound to pick up the cat to take him to the vet. At this point the
attitude adjustment seemed to be a very bad misdiagnosis!!

OK.....cat in carrier on the way to the vet....the carrier balanced on the passenger seat with me holding it, my fingers touching Higgins through the cage in an effort to calm him. I glance over a mere 10 houses from home base to see him squatting and peeing in the bottom of the carrier.....Poor baby....something is terribly wrong.

I tip the carrier gently so that the pee runs to the back of the cage convincing myself that I will mop up the "puddle" when I get there. Seconds pass and I glance over to see that he is STILL peeing and the "puddle" is beginning to aptly fill the bottom of the carrier....Oh my .....I carefully return the crate to a "level" position when all of a sudden my front tire drops into a pothole!

Yup you guessed it pee sloshing... out of the cage onto my book bag between the seats. The cat has all four legs outstretched trying to regain its balance and is now sliding around the inside of thecage......YUP....sloshingMORE pee out of the cage onto my pants and between the seats. I one handedly called "Chief" and asked him to meet me at the side of the road with a roll of paper towels.

He arrived on the scene to find me using fast food napkins trying to dry off what I could. I had quickly emptied the contents of my book bag saving all........thank goodness. I instructed him to hold the bag open and we would put Higgins in it to absorb some of the mess he was covered with and this would keep him confined while I cleaned the cage. Keep in mind we are now in a grocery parking lot and escaping here would mean "sudden death by flattening"! I grabbed hold of the cat by the scruff and with a swift motion "attempted" to remove him from the crate.

He laid on the brakes and as I dragged him out I emptied more pee onto my pant leg and picture if you will a flailing "pee soaked" very frightened 10 month old cat as I removed him and stuffed him into the canvas bag.

By this point "Chief" was hysterical and I have to admit.....although unimpressed I did manage to find the insanity of the whole thing!

I emptied out a half consumed water bottle and decided I might as well collect a sample for the vet while I had 50 gallons available!!!!

$220 later......a urinalysis, cat bath and crate disinfecting, antibiotics, expensive prescription cat food for "too many to count" crystals in his urine holding hands and dancing with the numerous red and white blood cells, a pat on the back for obtaining a sample that would have been a nightmare to collect.....(I don't recall my collection of said sample to be much shy of a flipping nightmare!!!!!!) and a big thank you from my veterinarian as she chortled saying she appreciated her laugh of the day, I arrived home to be met at the door by Songbird advising "Skishee" just peed his

Thank you to whomever suggested I stand in the line up to receive extra patience when the Good Lord was handing it out!!!!!


Cute isn't he?!

Anyone who owns a cat or three in our case (and many more over
the years!) knows that awful feeling that sets in when the first puddle of urine
is found in some inappropriate place. That would be ANY place that is not in the
basement neatly located in the appropriate litter box!!!!

Now, there can be any number of reasons for the "accident" but all too often the "behaviour modification" conversation is initiated and the fear that there really is nothing wrong with them except they have an "issue" sets in.

It all started when we bought the new dog beds. What luxury! They were about four inches thick stuffed with fibrefill and cedar chips. They smelled so good....helped to combat that ever bothersome "doggy smell". It wasn't too long and we found that one of them had been used as a litter box! How disappointing.....
I quickly mopped, disinfected, bleached and washed
everything hoping it was just a one time thing. That lasted about 2 days when it happened again ..... and again.......

Now we had no idea who the offender was, but we now had to dismantle both beds. In an effort to give them a really good cleaning I left them outside in the rain for about 4 days. We had no trouble for three weeks and then yesterday......................

"MOM..........EEEWWWWW.....it stinks like pee.....someone peed on the dog bed again. Good grief.........outside it went. One hour later I received a call on my cell to announce the other bed was now sporting a nice "Puddle".

My day was already at high speed....I was off to gymnastics and then home for a quick lunch and off to soccer. I had honestly decided the dog beds would have to go away until we "adjusted" the offenders bad attitude!!!

The long story can be shortened by saying yet another call to advise Higgins (the cute one!!!) was crying and circling and pawing on the dining room floor. Three minutes later.....another call to advise the cat had pooped and Princesses new musical ballerina globe was smashed.....two very unrelated yet equally distressing pieces of news. Homeward bound to pick up the cat to take him to the vet. At this point the
attitude adjustment seemed to be a very bad misdiagnosis!!

OK.....cat in carrier on the way to the vet....the carrier balanced on the passenger seat with me holding it, my fingers touching Higgins through the cage in an effort to calm him. I glance over a mere 10 houses from home base to see him squatting and peeing in the bottom of the carrier.....Poor baby....something is terribly wrong.

I tip the carrier gently so that the pee runs to the back of the cage convincing myself that I will mop up the "puddle" when I get there. Seconds pass and I glance over to see that he is STILL peeing and the "puddle" is beginning to aptly fill the bottom of the carrier....Oh my .....I carefully return the crate to a "level" position when all of a sudden my front tire drops into a pothole!

Yup you guessed it pee sloshing... out of the cage onto my book bag between the seats. The cat has all four legs outstretched trying to regain its balance and is now sliding around the inside of thecage......YUP....sloshingMORE pee out of the cage onto my pants and between the seats. I one handedly called "Chief" and asked him to meet me at the side of the road with a roll of paper towels.

He arrived on the scene to find me using fast food napkins trying to dry off what I could. I had quickly emptied the contents of my book bag saving all........thank goodness. I instructed him to hold the bag open and we would put Higgins in it to absorb some of the mess he was covered with and this would keep him confined while I cleaned the cage. Keep in mind we are now in a grocery parking lot and escaping here would mean "sudden death by flattening"! I grabbed hold of the cat by the scruff and with a swift motion "attempted" to remove him from the crate.

He laid on the brakes and as I dragged him out I emptied more pee onto my pant leg and picture if you will a flailing "pee soaked" very frightened 10 month old cat as I removed him and stuffed him into the canvas bag.

By this point "Chief" was hysterical and I have to admit.....although unimpressed I did manage to find the insanity of the whole thing!

I emptied out a half consumed water bottle and decided I might as well collect a sample for the vet while I had 50 gallons available!!!!

$220 later......a urinalysis, cat bath and crate disinfecting, antibiotics, expensive prescription cat food for "too many to count" crystals in his urine holding hands and dancing with the numerous red and white blood cells, a pat on the back for obtaining a sample that would have been a nightmare to collect.....(I don't recall my collection of said sample to be much shy of a flipping nightmare!!!!!!) and a big thank you from my veterinarian as she chortled saying she appreciated her laugh of the day, I arrived home to be met at the door by Songbird advising "Skishee" just peed his

Thank you to whomever suggested I stand in the line up to receive extra patience when the Good Lord was handing it out!!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

RULE # 28.....Hands Free on the Trampoline?!?!?!

There are days when every rule known to my children appears to have been taught to them in a foreign language?! For years I balked at having a trampoline because I was convinced there would be serious bodily harm and I was quite frankly "afraid"! I researched and I researched the safety pros and cons and finally when Princess was in need of some serious physio following chemotherapy I was convinced this would prove to be the answer. (nice excuse anyway!)

We are now finishing the third season with our much loved and continuously used trampoline. Princess made excellent use of it in strengthening her legs and abs and everyone else has found it to be the best and first choice of entertainment while in the yard. We have had to instill timers and limits and rules.....MANY, MANY rules so I could cope. On the whole it has been working perfectly. HOWEVER........................................

AND THIS.................!

does not appear to be following RULE #28!!!! HANDS FREE!!!! LOL

Wrestling can become dangerous (although at this point there was nothing but hysterical laughter) I did have to step in with the rule reminder.

"Pardon Mom?" (more laughter and hysteria)....

Good thing they are so cute!

Upon reminding them of the hands free rule they promptly discovered a "creepy crawly" that required immediate observation..........and so it goes.....

Have I mentioned how much I love having my children at home!

It is not without its challenges but I have every opportunity to teach at any moment as it appears throughout the day. Safety, insects.....how to love your brother.......they are all important lessons.....equally!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Two More Released Yesterday!

I am still fascinated at how much education and entertainment these creatures have provided. We are in the final stretch as we only have 3 chrysalis left after releasing two monarchs yesterday.

One of the monarchs had emerged through the night which caused huge disappointment but during breakfast Cat Lover flew into the room flapping her arms and exclaiming "Hurry.....hurry........come quick......" Initially everyone sat looking at her waiting for the rest of the story....you see Cat Lover is the drama queen in the house and unfortunately it could have been something completely earthshattering .... for instance.....oh I don't know.... the wind was blowing a leaf across the lawn. At any rate within seconds she managed to blurt out..."the monarch is coming out!!!"

Once again my children witnessed another miracle in our world as we quietly stood by and watched.

It is amazing!!

Release number one......well ok....it didn't exactly take off gracefully the minute we let go but hung on for dear life! It probably was thinking...."It's flipping cold out here can't I just catch the next flight to Mexico?"

Release number two.....she said "Mom, if it wants to stick around I'm gonna do some bonding.....eye contact is very important you know!!" She's nuts!