As spirited as ever he greeted HIS day! It always starts with a call from Grandma and Grandpa singing their very best rendition of Happy Birthday to You! Followed by the much awaited gift giving!
I think he likes it!!! Nothing like an adventure with the Veggie Tales Pirate Ship!
December 9, 2004 was a very exciting day.....we knew Skishee was going to be born any day but had only to wait for the call. We didn't get word until the morning of the 10th as he had been born late the night before. I can't even begin to share the emotion we felt as we drove to the hospital to pick up our newborn son! Today as I sit here I cannot believe that was four years ago!! So much has changed and his arrival led to the arrival of his two siblings......our family was exploding!!
I'm not sure looking back at pictures of Skishee as a baby is a good idea. I Suddenly have those "maternal feelings" that override all the stressful, I'm totally outnumbered feelings that creep in after any day around here!!!! Is he my last??? SSSHHHHH between you and me I'd happily have another!!!
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