A place to be real about a life of chaos, with eight beautiful children, homeschooling, special needs, adoption, sanity or the lack thereof.........a rubber hits the road sort of journey that I thankfully do NOT walk alone!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

BAKE?........Did we ever!!!!

I'm braver than most and I've been told by most I'm a little crazy for some of the things I undertake with my tribe, but this year I wanted desperately to have a full day of baking and include my Mom and Dad!

Mom and I met to decide which recipes we would tackle and we pulled together about 15.....far more than we could complete but it left us tons of options. We set a date and the anticipation took over. The kids were so excited!

The morning of....like a "crazy woman", I loaded them up and off to the grocery store we went. We hit the bulk section and "stocked up"! The kids were helpful in their own way, translation......"Skishee.....close those bulk lids.....No....Squirtman....you may not sample all the decorations before we choose!......Karate Kid....this is not a gymnasium...could we save the acrobatics for later.....walking.....no don't run.....watch out for the elderly lady.....oh my gosh......"

This may have been one of those moments where I briefly became insane and used that excuse for losing all control of my overexcited lot! In retrospect ....yes taking all of the children to buy the baking supplies was....CRAZY!!!!

Lobsters to the rescue!.....before I knew it my adorable clan had batted their eyelashes at the woman behind the seafood counter and were all taking turns at holding the poor critter and on their hands and knees examining the lobster on the floor. This lovely employee had graciously layered some packing material on the floor so the children could get a little closer and check it out. They all took turns at allowing it to grab their little fingers with the tiny pincers....not the elasticized ones that would have elicited blood curdling screams.....

Soon the older children were teaching the younger ones all about the lobster in true homeschool fashion, where it came from, what it ate, what those funny looking things were attached to the shells, what you can eat and how to cook it......OK so we got off on a little tangent but once the science lesson was over we were allowed to return it to the tank, (after every child had one last hold!) and off to the check out.

Before I knew it fourteen hands unloaded the supplies onto the belt and soon a very full bag of white sugar had hastily been dragged over a sharp box corner and subsequently began spewing all over.... "Oh Mommy, I'm so sorry I should slow down"... The check out lady looked at me in horror and I quickly picked up the bag and turned it over to stop the "gushing" and quietly asked Songbird to just grab another bag so we might double bag it. The employee leaned over as I checked out and quietly stated how much she admired my patience and that my children were all so well behaved. Even in the midst of minor crises I was so proud!

Right on schedule we arrived at Mom and Dad's and what a day we had!!!

Everyone helped and what a day of sweet memories we made!!

Just checking to see if they taste OK Mom!!

This by the way is the last time these cookies looked like this.....the tin was dropped and now we have four times as many chocolate candy cane "pieces". Ah well......more to share!!!

Two things I learned this day.....
#1 Seven children mixing one recipe simultaneously is challenging....

#2 Making memories that last a lifetime......PRICELESS!!!!!

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