We found a new tree farm this year. For years we have been going to the same one 20 minutes away with a rather primitive and lengthy driveway that this year with all the rain we would surely get stuck in. Our twelve seater van is not very driver friendly in the mud or snow. It weighs so stinkin much that when other cars and vans are having no problem we are "STUCK!"
So..... in an effort to maintain the Christmas spirit and all appropriate attitudes we tried a farm a fellow homeschooler had suggested just five minutes away. (She too has been stuck in her 12 seater at the Christmas tree farm in her "BUS")
The owners had made these cool "tree carts" on cross country skis. These of course doubled as excellent toboggans for the kids. They soon discovered this farm was entirely hills and had a blast riding up and down between the trees....screaming the whole way!!
Soon we found what the kids thought was the best one so Stable Chick went to work and in short order with Skishee overseeing the operation we had it chopped down and on the cart ready to be bound and stuffed in the van.
Hey.....Are you lookin' at me???
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