We have so much to be thankful for...
Perspective can bring such clarity....
One of the common threads through the student's blog posts was that of "JOY" and the Honduran people, regardless of what material possessions they have, are full of joy.
This little guy has little, but smiles "much".
If I'm honest, I find myself struggling with my own children who have so much more than most. I am careful to remind them when I feel they have a heart of discontent, redirecting them in their day. Don't misunderstand me when I say my kids can be ungrateful! They are really good kids that ususally have a handle on how lucky they are but... Shocker I know....they are indeed "typical" children...despite the reminders it is a daily struggle and somehow I thought it was my job to rid them completely of this desire for more. Not so.
Last night as I sat quietly alone I thought on this and realized I too struggle with this desire for more...perhaps for me it isn't the material stuff but ....control.
Now before all of my family and friends send me texts, facebook posts or emails saying... "YOU THINK?" ... this is not news to me~!
Couldn't we all stand to redirect our hearts to Him who IS in control? The joyful Honduran people may just be on to something....perhaps the relinquishing of control would bring a peace that results from not feeling the constant stress of trying to have it! Slowing down and taking life at a pace that really isn't bound by continual time constraints and neat and tidy schedules would be refreshing.
Am I guilty of not doing activities with the children that may cause too much mess or take too much time? Am I walking the talk ... as parents you know the one....the one you're careful to ensure your own children hear ... guilty.
Perspective...not mine...God wants me to see the world through Him!
Joy will follow every single time if I just allow that to happen.
I am not so naive as to think the people of Honduras have rationally chosen to recognize they are not in control of their circumstances. Like any people I'm sure they have hopes and dreams and want more for their children...but maybe, just maybe the knowledge of providing the best they can as opposed to "the best", brings a peace amidst the turmoil.
So....my job....give it to Him and then give Him the credit.....whew.....that's a load off!
Simple and also simply my biggest struggle! I am comforted in knowing I can't rid my children or myself of all struggles but I can be a constant example of turning to God not only in the obviously joyful times but in times of turmoil and challenge. JOY will surely follow!!

Thanks Kate...I "borrowed" some of your awesome pictures!
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