I found these pictures today....
Back in the spring I decided to have my children write gratitude journals as part of their school day. I had begun one myself and was amazed at how the simplest things came quickly to mind every day as I entered what I was grateful for. I was sure this would be some kind of life lesson launch pad for the tribe so I asked that they daily list even one thing that they were thankful for.
Back in the spring I decided to have my children write gratitude journals as part of their school day. I had begun one myself and was amazed at how the simplest things came quickly to mind every day as I entered what I was grateful for. I was sure this would be some kind of life lesson launch pad for the tribe so I asked that they daily list even one thing that they were thankful for.
This is what my nine year old offered on the first day!
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." John 16:33 NLT
I don't "know" this journey. However, I do know this woman (quite well), and I know this precious little boy, and I've watched this experience - unfortunately, from too far away. Just sayin' ... I should start my own gernal. Love you, Karen. (Posted by my brother, B)