The drive down was rather uneventful. Mom had packed us some water bottles and snacks for along the way and off we went. I love to drive and so with Dad as co pilot we had a blast. He managed to read through the satellite radio manual and actually figure out how to use it...properly, grab a little nap (while NOT driving haha) and feed me the odd chocolate chip cookie to keep me alert! We managed the trip with only a couple of stops, one for gas and one to purchase his "frequent flyer" gas card so Mom and Dad could benefit from some discounts while dropping a few sheckles on gas to fill the "beast". The perk to the whole deal was that I spent some great one on one time with my Dad! I don't think I've likely done that in over 20 years!
We arrived in Elkhart, Indiana around 8pm and began the mission of finding him a good steak. He had a craving and we were both hungry. We passed a few restaurants minutes from the hotel we were staying at for the night and many other interesting stores. As I sat at a red light, I glanced to my left and read the sign over the adjacent store. The sign read "Low Bob's Discount Mart" but either I had been driving too long or perhaps my blood sugar was low but I read "Low Boobs Discount Mart"....I laughed till I cried and so did he when I could catch my breath long enough to share what was so humourous....this was the best of many laughs we had along the way.
This was where we landed for supper and I have only one thing to say..... YUM!
Back to the hotel just after 10 and not too long after that off to bed. I slept fitfully between the loud snoring, sneezing and gasping for air coming from the bed next to me....Mom tried to warn me! LOL....
The next morning we were on our way with new furniture on board a tummy still full from the night before and renewed energy for the long ride home.
Only one heartstopping moment when we rounded a corner on the highway going 65 mph to face traffic at a complete stop! Good grief....lots of white knuckles and holding of breath and we stopped with only inches to spare and after having given the brakes and the brake buddy in the towed vehicle a thorough testing! My Dad is a great driver and this little heart stopping moment was no exception!!
Home sweet home by 8 pm...It was a whirlwind trip but a ton of fun and aside from paying huge HST on the purchase at the border even it was rather uneventful....
Thanks for the memories Dad....so glad we had this time together!!