A gift outside, inside, on a plate....
16. Sun shining on the clean snow
17. A comfy chair to curl up on and read
18. A honey cruller left because the children "prefer the sprinkles"
19. The smile of my thirteen year old son at my joke....yes, Mine!
20. Time spent at the barn with my 18 year old loving on the horse that threw her so violently New Years Eve
21. Forgiveness
22. The means to replace a laptop soaked in a glass of water
23. A morning kiss
24. An unexpected response on a facebook post from a friend
25. Crackling fire
26. Renewed compassion for the hurting
27. The honour of sponsoring a child
28. Peanut butter fudge in the microwave
29. An afternoon of toboganning in the back yard
30. Love...
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