The past few weeks have been ... well ... "full" ... on many levels.
Most significantly, we said our goodbyes to Jagger, a faithful family pet for 14 years. It was such a difficult day. Never underestimate the relationships between the children in your home and their beloved pets...the devotion flows both ways and times like this are really, really ... tough...
So much else... Grandma and Papa have been away for three weeks, another birthday celebration, many milestones accomplished in school, doctor appointments, youth events, specialist referrals, the death of a pet bird, heightened sibling rivalry, the usual ebb and flow of activity in a house with ten heartbeats ( plus menagerie!) is sometimes a blur of "how on earth...!"

Chief ( tribe ringleader ) has been on afternoons and that in itself makes my well planned days look more like a three ring circus with an extra distraction for all my little angels that struggle enough to stay on track. Sounds of horses galloping and gunfire as Daddy's "down time" includes an old western don't bode well for much success in arithmetic completion and spelling drills...
Yesterday... well.... was a larger disaster than most...
Daddy had just left for work and I was preparing supper, the two oldest children weren't home and the next two in line were being anything but helpful...that left me the four was knitting, oblivious to the fact that the youngest was trying to ride our dog like a horse while smacking her tail end shrieking like he was on a wild amusement park ride, and the two "all boys, no impulse control" were happily beating each other with pillows and hollering something about revenge being sweet!...GOOD GRIEF!!!! I hurdled the two cats that were in a hissing match in the front hall to reach the two year old and spare him an untimely vault from the dog's back to his head, ducking as a croc flew past my head missing the intended target...a brother...and as calmly as possible asked the other three what part of "CHAOS" were they not hearing and at what point might they have noticed impending injury and as all good big siblings can... and SHOULD.... STEP IN AND HELP ALREADY!!!!

I got the expected glazed over looks and "Oh, sorry Mom I was at a really good part in the book", "I didn't notice, but look how much of my scarf I've finished!", and the absolute best response that got him sent upstairs for a very early bath....."What!? didn't ask me to watch anybody!"
The very patient part of me that even my children often recognize I manage to muster up at all the appropriate times may....just may have lapsed a tad and I advised my son to go upstairs quicker than that.....and have a bath while I finished supper and vacuumed the downstairs. I was expecting a friend to come by after supper for a much needed time of adult conversation and "sister-like" support time and I knew I had six baths to be done, supper to be fed and calm to return....ok....a decreased amount of activity to return to my home so bedtime routines would actually be successful!
As I vacuumed the stairs I thought I heard someone screaming...I quickly realized the screams were coming from the bathroom and I launched up the stairs hollering through the door "Are you ok?".... "Come in here quick Mom!!!" I hear with a great sense of urgency....I opened the door to find my son standing bent over the tub trying to no avail to stop the hot water that was bursting from the wall where the tap handle used to be!.....ok....envision if you will a fire hydrant that they have opened to clean out the lines!!!! This is what was happening in my bathroom!!

I turned to run down the two flights of stairs to shut off the main water valve in the basement while shouting at him to get dressed!!
I stood in my fruit cellar questioning what about this was supposed to be teaching me something cause surely to goodness this was not just for entertainment purposes....
After a deep breath I returned to the bathroom where I determined the "fix" of yesterday (Bless his heart) had gone wrong somehow and now I had six baths, supper to fix and serve, teeth to brush and bedtime toilet runs to do and NO WATER! Long story short...I loaded everyone in the car...picked up the older girls, left them to finish supper and feed their younger siblings, travelled to the hardware store and purchased a new valve, returned home....fixed the tap, turned the water back on...drove the older girls back to their grandparents, finished baths, and all bedtime routines, put the children to bed, coffee on and welcomed my dear friend for a visit....
My not dull!
Earlier yesterday morning, I had struggled a bit with feeling the stress of this world and the judgement that sometimes I allow to creep into my head....."You can't possibly do this!", "The children would be better taught at school", "You should be more involved...", "Step outside your comfort zone and socialize more!".....I really don't appreciate these the end of the day when I had enjoyed a coffee with a friend, I was reminded what another friend of mine had shared with me not that many weeks ago.....
I am exactly who I am supposed to be and I was created this way so I would be equipped for the awesome task of raising eight children... and fixing hot water taps!....
I am exactly who I am supposed to be and I was created this way so I would be equipped for the awesome task of raising eight children... and fixing hot water taps!....
My children are exactly where they were meant to be and I am doing exactly what I've been called to do and I am reminded I will not define myself by what I "think" I am expected to be , but by the very "call" on my life....I can only do my very best and as long as I children will continue to be amazed at my plumbing skills and I will be satisfied in the "being" not the "becoming" of who I am!
You put me to shame !! you put it all in perpective and still make me laugh !!!
ReplyDeleteMay you continue to feel His grace, patience and love when it's most necessary.. even in those broken valve times of life. You are a remarkable Princess Warrier and I'm so proud of you.. Love this web site.. Keep up the great job..
ReplyDeleteLuv U mom! Keep on doing what you do!:D