Did I mention how much I love the autumn season. There is something magnificent about all of nature preparing to "rest" and the anticipation it stimulates as we await the "rebirth" in the springtime. There are just far too many intricate details in that whole process for coincidence to be the cause.
We spent several days walking the path down by the river. The foliage had dropped for the most part and all that remained was the bare trees and the stubborn "hanger on ers" that refuse to lose their colour, hanging on as if it somehow defined them. The kids may or may not have even noticed the plant life. As usual they were far more fascinated by things such as this......
I shouldn't be too surprised.....these same estrogen producing creatures spend their spare time collecting backyard spiders and tormenting their father with any of our feline "rodent catches". They take great pleasure in waving the poor "played with" mouse in his face eliciting a response that varies from....."Get that disgusting thing away from me...I'm warning you!!" to "ACCCKKKKKK" as he has been know to run with his "skirt" hiked up. These are the stories they happily share with anyone who will join them in humiliating the "Chief".
Everyone finds just the right walking stick and the adventure continues the next day.....
We pick things...Display things......
Examine things......
Peak through things.....
Climb the same tree we do every year and pose accordingly..
And sit a spell by the river......
I love what these days outdoors do to my kids. Forget the whole nature vs. nurture theory....I believe it's the nature that does the nurturing!!!
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