I knew today was going to be a challenging one. Stable Chick had a major unit test in Geography she was stewing over, I had a dental appointment at 10:30 for the three remaining girls and an appointment to fix our account that they had managed to rack up to $1200 in error,
..................stop at Walmart to buy three pair of running shoes, "stuff" in lunch in 2 minutes and get to our home school gym class by 1:15. Here I would pick up one "loaner" child to help a friend while she packs her house to move tomorrow, leave after class 2 of 4 to take a child to a different appointment and return in time to meet Stable Chick and the last two students at gym class.

Stop at the grocery store to pick up a few items, return home to get some marking done, send home loaner child, receive child from completed appointment eat supper and.........ah yes do baths and ESCAPE to my dear friends home with Stable Chick where I will have a much deserved BREAK!!
Undaunted I set out on my day.
The dentist wasn't too bad....I really only owed $360 which I happily paid! We nearly had to replace a window as Skishee felt it timely to test the flying powers of his LARGE dragon! FYI.....red dragons with flaming eyes and large wings can actually fly across the full width of a dental waiting room! Good grief....all this while I was politely accepting compliments of how well behaved my children were!
We left the dentist at 11:50 which had us arrive at Walmart at noon. We had 30 minutes to please three children and their "taste" in running shoe coupled with my need for "practicality"......NOT a great marriage of ideas! Left Walmart with 25 minutes to get home, make and feed lunch and get out the door to gym. Leaping tall buildings and breaking all speed limits we did it...arriving in time to fill out six forms with health cards. Made all remaining appointments on time and am now on my way out the door.....a little frazzled but all in all.....intact.
The children actually completed schoolwork while waiting and a day I had written off as a write off actually in retrospect wasn't all that bad.....and to top it off.....we actually had a science lesson in .... of all places..... the bathroom!!!!!

Now this may be a little difficult to see but ...yes....you have it right we are (all seven of us!!!!) squished into our two piece bathroom with our newly received planetarium investigating all constellations and discovering the very best place to see them was on the toilet tank!!!!
Please don't report me... Where else but in homeschool can you learn this much in THIS way!!!!
Too cool! Thank you for my stress filled days. It provides opportunities like this at the end that make the whole darn thing worth while!!!
Even in the bathroom!!!
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