A place to be real about a life of chaos, with eight beautiful children, homeschooling, special needs, adoption, sanity or the lack thereof.........a rubber hits the road sort of journey that I thankfully do NOT walk alone!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Anger Management for Three Year olds???
they cute!!
The dreaded call came as I watched Stable Chick dismount this morning at the farm and head in to remove the tack from her horse. Karate Kid had found Skishee with "part" of his glasses in his hands. Chief heard the screaming and ran upstairs to find out who was bleeding. "Dad, look what Skishee did to my glasses!!!" "I did NOT touch them!!!!" "He's lying!!!"
Good grief.....after a gruelling 20 minute question period Chief was no further ahead. What he had learned was that Karate Kid had stored them the night previous on the dreaded "OFF LIMITS" shelf and the next thing anyone knew they were firmly gripped in what appeared to be a very angry three year olds fist!!!
Verdict.......some 11 hours later it has been determined that the glasses were left not on the dreaded "OFF LIMITS" shelf but worse yet on Skishee's dresser! Apparently Skishee was "cleaning" his area of the room and happened across the glasses. Despite numerous attempts to get his brother to "relocate" them he became a little angry and his words "With my big strong muscles I wrecked them Mommy. I was just so 'frusterated' and I had used my kind words first but he was ignoring me!!!
Now this would not be the first time we dealt with lack of self control in this house nor will it be the last I'm sure but.............FOR THE LOVE OF GOODNESS........!!!!! does this look like a little frustration or more like pure and total destruction by the hands of an angry and I mean ANGRY three year old!!!
Yes you are seeing correctly!!!!! They are totally destroyed and in three pieces!!! Not only is one lens out of the frame but one arm ripped off and the other twisted completely!!!
This is one of those patience moments I pray diligently about. The kind that MUST kick in , in order to "rationally" deal with a disciplinary moment. The moment went like this........."OH GOD help me not to scream and yell like a raving lunatic.....help me to use this moment to teach responsibility and repentance and let not my response land me on tomorrow morning's front page news headline!!!!!!"
Oh my.....those darn Fruit of the Spirit!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Dentist with six??

Now this may be a little difficult to see but ...yes....you have it right we are (all seven of us!!!!) squished into our two piece bathroom with our newly received planetarium investigating all constellations and discovering the very best place to see them was on the toilet tank!!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Those that know me .... I mean really know me......know that kind of having an indication of what I'm doing and when and for how long and with who and why is important. It's sort of the glue that keeps my day all "stuck" together. The eggs that make the flour stick and a whole host of other analogies.

Oh good grief! Is this what homeschooling is supposed to look like? Somehow all those "other" women with lots of children don't look frazzled and have very rare if any moments of inadequacy and feelings of failure!
My decision at this point is to remove myself and get a cup of coffee......

Please don't envision a perfect world here at Franklin Academy cause there are days that oh my goodness we are the poster children for total and utter chaos.
But I will persevere because that's what I am called to do. I will not be given more than I can handle and if so......I'll be provided a way out , even if that means alone time in the bathroom.

Saturday, September 20, 2008
FINALLY!......The Introduction
This is my first attempt at this so please be patient as I navigate through the ins and outs of how exactly to do this.
We are a large Christian homeschooling family of nine. Our family has grown exponentially in the last seven years. Back then it was only Me "Heart Mom" (I'll explain the handle later), my Hubby "Chief" ( of the whole darn tribe!) and our seven year old daughter "Stable Chick" (this does not refer to her mental state!). Since 2001 we have adopted five children ranging in age from 10 hours old to 5 years. We are currently waiting on the ok to make the sixth adoption legal! Please pray........lack of control is not one of my fortes!
We'd love to live in the country and have lots of land to spread out but for now we live in town in a beautiful old home that is filled with memories old and new!
Our adoption stories are so diverse there is no way to cover them in one post. I'll attempt to break it down sometime soon. Suffice it to say we live a very "full" life. For the most part I'd call it "organized chaos". It helps to be just a little on the edge of sanity at all times cause then I don't feel like I've lost all control!
So........one of my children grew under my heart and the other six grew in my heart....hence the "handle"............Meet the gang in order of age.......
"Stable Chick" age 14.......... "Songbird" age 12
"Cat Lover" age 10.........
"Karate Kid" age 9
"Princess" age 8
"Squirtman" age 7....................."Skishee" age 3
This just gets better!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
First Monarch Release!
These guys were so small when we got them only 10 days ago. We managed to receive a chrysalis already ready to attach to our milkweed plant with our six caterpillars and within a week the butterfly within became visible.
So cool. We carefully tagged him on the appropriate cell of his hind wing and took him outside to release him. Mexico here he comes!!!