This past Friday morning I waved goodbye as my two eldest children boarded a plane that began their journey to Siguatepeque, Honduras! They are off on their first mission trip and I must admit I wish I was going with them...

The girls, Mom and I left late morning on Thursday with the intention of getting to Buffalo in good time, check into the hotel and spend the night hopefully getting a little sleep before our 3am wake up call to catch the shuttle at 4! We made great time getting to the border and then.....almost two hours later we made it across!
We grabbed a quick bite to eat around 4 pm and settled into the hotel to just relax and watch a little tv. It was soon apparent that the girls were wanting to shower and make all final transfers of belongings to their travel bags and then just stay room service it was!
I'm sure I slept a total of 25 minutes in 2 minute intervals! We set my cell phone alarm the alarm in the room and also asked for a wake up call. You never can be too sure you know! The alarm went off at 3 am and I got up for a shower. When I emerged from the bathroom everyone was up and ready to go. On the shuttle by 4 and over to departures.
Very quickly the team started to arrive....there was much excitement and many smiles despite the ridiculous hour!!!
I have to admit as I watched the 33 students chatting and excitedly anticipating their departure I felt a little numb. There had been 8 months of preparation and many extra meetings, events and fundraisers but it truly was finally here. When the last student had checked their luggage and received their boarding passes the leader hollered, "Last hugs guys...let's get to the gate!"
There were no tears just a hug and a few shared I love you's and they were on their way!
I am so very proud of the two young women my girls have become. I know God will use them in a mighty way over the next two weeks. My hope is that they touch some lives obviously, but that they return with a new found dependence on their Saviour!
I sent both of them with a stack of letters from their brothers and sisters, grandparents, uncle, friends, and of course from us (Mom and Dad)....I tried to give them a quick thought for each day in my notes and then encourage them to be still enough to feel His leading and to soak in all that they can, journalling, and just being whatever it is they were called to be. I so look forward to their return and the stories they'll share.
The impact on their lives is sure to be great!